Watch the 1/3 Naviate for Revit webinars with focus on Naviate Site & Landscaping.

Simple road design with Align Profile


Naviate Site & Landscaping is customised for Landscape Architects working in Revit. In this webinar we present a new feature; Align Profile, for simple road design. This feature is for aligning a toposurface to a chosen cross section profile along path of a line, or chain of lines.

Align Profile is most commonly used when:

  • Adjusting a toposurface to a road
  • Designing a ditch, ridge or swale
  • Adjusting a toposurface under elongated building element such as a bridge

The following workflows is presented:

  • Pick a chain of lines (lines, arcs & splines) as a centre line
  • Use a Revit Profile as cross section to adjust the toposurface along the centre line
  • Define a length profile by specifying break points and radius along the centre line
  • Snap to the existing terrain when defining the length profile
  • Define cut & fill slopes
  • Update the toposurface after modifying the centre line or by editing the length profile


Key benefits of Naviate Site & Landscaping

Work in a complete Landscape Information Model (LIM)

Customised to the needs of landscape architects with content, tools and workflows. The template files contain features, symbols, line styles, plants and trees. Pre-sets and standard configurations are designed to provide optimal working methodologies and a smoother working experience.

Quicker and easier when everything works together

Full integration into the Revit platform with enhancement of the collaboration possibilities offered by BIM and LIM. This applies to the objects included for designing in 2D and 3D. Concepts like the level of detail, material definitions follow common standards.

Full support for collaboration with BIM

Full support of the overall vision and collaboration opportunities offered by BIM. This also applies to how functions and symbols in the module interact as for communication with other Naviate modules and interaction with other disciplines in a project.



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/The Naviate team

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